Sunday, March 15, 2009


Copenhagen night one. A five hour train ride from hamburg, the middle of which the train drives onto a big ferry and you get shuttled off the train and onto a boat o' commerce, filled with restaurants of varying qualities, duty free shops, bars, etc. You are on the sea for about an hour, then the train loads back up and heads off on danish track. Right after this I was taken aside by undercover danish customs agents and questioned. They were actually very nice and friendly. Questioned me for 5 minutes or so, similar to when you fly out of amsterdam, and thanked me for my time.
Copenhagen is beautiful, by far the most beautiful city yet. But oh, fuck, is it expensive. I changed my remaining euro for dannish kronners on the boat o commerce. I knew my hotel was expensive here, but I figured that is just because its the top place in copenhagen (the palace, a 600 year old building right in the town square), but, no, everything is expensive. A big beer at the first pub I went to was 100 kronner. Get out your google translator, that's 17 bucks and change.
Eating dinner at a french place right now. Got a bottle of chataeu gigognan chateauneuf de pape. Google tells me this is available for about 15 bucks stateside, it was 1050 dkk (200 bucks). Ouch. Food is tremendous.
The most beautiful waitress of my entire life tells me stockholm is more expensive, so appreciate the good deals of copenhagen. Gulp. And, we all know moscow is the most expensive city in the world, so I guess I'm just working up to that.
Dessert is a spoon of dark chocolate mousse floating on a "crispy thing with marshmallow bouys in a chilled cherry soup", as described by the resident supermodel waitress with the delightfully unprouncible name.
Internet is 60 dollars for 1 hour at the hotel, so this is another blackberry update until tomorrow when ill splurge and connect my air and upload pics.

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