All three ads on the front page of the blog right now are advertising plastic bags. Presumably from my mention of the desperate need for resealable packaging in a post a few days ago. I appreciate google's attempt to help with the bag shortage problem in Bangalore, but I suspect you dear readers are not really in the market for online purchased plastic bags as you have that crazy western fad called supermarkets on every corner. Of course now that I have another post about bags its all google is going to try to sell forever as all it does is scan the blog and pick keywords that match ads people have paid to have displayed. How will I ever make millions of dollars off of this blog if all the readers can buy is plastic bags? See, I make money when people click through the ads on the page. No one will click these ads!
In completely unrelated news... One day I was walking in my Nike brand shoes and listening to my Apple iPod when I saw a sign for ebay and for, but just across the BestBuy parking lot there was a sign for Free Porn just click here. Free Porn the sign said. Free Porn! How terribly inappropriate, I thought as I sipped my Pepsi and ate my Quiznos Toasted submarine sandwich (so toasty!), for that sign to say Free Porn like that. Free Porn.
FYI, the ad in the pic for Zipline bags that says no order too small clicks through to a single page website that has one link to email the New Bag Company in Marietta, Georgia. I have sent them a request for a price quote for one single sandwich sized zipline bag. I'll let you know what I find out.
We have in fact changed our website now. We would be happy to provide you with whatever reclosable bags you need. We are also now offering oxo-biodegradable bags which degrade in approx 18 months from exposure to high oxygen levels and heat. Thanks for the post!