Dubai is a strange, awesome place. Its definitely a playground for the super-rich, as will be made evident by future posts. But, its also got plenty to do for the not super rich but still lots of disposable income crowd too. Its a place of striking juxtaposition, conservative Muslims next to liberal expats, Burqas next to bikinis, nightclubs next to mosques.
The weather was amazing, everything is spotlessly clean, the air quality is amazing, the water of the Persian gulf is the best I've ever been in.
No photoshop trickery, the sky was actually this beautiful color of blue when I took this picture. The Burj Kalifa, the tallest building in the world, is a majestic and futuristic site. Those three little towers to the left in the picture are actually huge tower skyscrapers themselves, but everything... everything is dwarfed by the Burj. I'll do another post on it about when I took the ride to the top.
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